Frequently Asked Questions


General Information

1. Are you a licensed agency?
Yes, we are licensed under the Employment Standard Branch (#BA-2023-095265) and the Saanich Municipality.

2. Can I drop by the office to apply for representation?

No, you cannot drop by the office without an appointment for any reason. Our office on Fort Street is set up primarily for the drop-off and pick-up of documentation. To apply for representation, please apply via our website. This ensures we can dedicate the necessary time and attention to your application.

3. Are you based in Victoria or Vancouver?

We are based in Victoria, and we have a hub office in Vancouver.

4. How much does it cost to join the agency?
We do not charge any agency or sign-up fees to join DEI. We only earn a commission based on your bookings.

5. Do I have to be a minority to join the Agency?
No, we are an inclusive agency and provide equal opportunities to everyone.

6. I live outside the Island (e.g., Vancouver). Can DEI represent me?
Yes! We can represent talent from anywhere in the province, including Vancouver. We are currently accepting applications for principal and commercial actors based in Vancouver. We do not represent Background actors in Vancouver.

Application Process

7. What happens after I submit my application?
Our talent agents review all applications. We will contact only those we are interested in for an online interview. After this, we will inform you of the next steps.

8. What is your selection criteria?
We evaluate candidates based on experience, training, presence, aspirations, and how well they align with our agency values and mission.

9. I don’t have any experience in the industry. Can I still apply?
Yes, beginners can be considered for background roles or commercials. For principal roles or voice-over work, prior experience, training, or a demo reel is required.

10. Are you accepting applications for children?
Yes, we accept applications for children and follow the Code of Conduct for Working with Child Performers.

Portfolio and Headshots

11. Will I need a resume and/or a professional headshot? Can I just take a selfie?
Professional headshots are important as they introduce you to casting directors. We accept high-quality photos and can connect you with experienced photographers if needed.

12. My child’s headshot is 2 years old. Do I need to update their headshot before applying?
While a professional headshot is not required for the application, it is needed for their online portfolio. We recommend updating it annually due to the frequent changes in children's appearances.

13. I have submitted my application and completed the interview. How long until my profile is on your website?
The process may take up to two weeks. During busy seasons (i.e. Film/TV pilot season) it may take up to one month. We need to review all uploaded information and photos before making your profile live.

Contract and Representation

14. Do I have to sign a contract?
Yes, all talents must sign a legal-binding contract and a Standards of Conduct prior to working. For those under 19, a parent or guardian must sign on their behalf.

15. I have an agent already but want to sign with your agency. Can I?
No, we are an exclusive agency. If you are currently represented by another agency, you must terminate that contract before signing with us, except for international models who we may set-up a mother agency agreement.

Casting Platforms and Opportunities

16. What Casting Platforms do you use?
We use Syngency for agency-specific needs, and Actors Access, Casting Workbook, and Casting Networks for casting calls in film, TV, commercials, and voice-over.

17. Will I have opportunities for projects in Vancouver?
Yes, we have access to casting calls across Canada and internationally, including Vancouver.

Diverse Talent and Skills

18. What do you consider diverse talent?
Diverse talent includes any unique or advanced skills or abilities, such as specialized sports or skills. We use the term "diverse abilities" rather than "disabilities" to be inclusive of all talents and abilities.

Communication and Contact

19. I tried contacting Jeany and Melissa via their personal social media but received no response. How can I reach them?
We prefer to keep personal and professional lives separate. For agency-related inquiries, please contact us via our email If you want to follow DEI’s journey via Instagram or Facebook we will be happy to see you there :-)